FAQ: Cloud Sync

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This Frequently Asked Questions lists includes common questions about the Cloud Sync option with the eWallet® SyncPro® engine.

Do I need to have the Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive client installed on my PC, Mac or mobile device?

No, although you may find it handy for other reasons. eWallet neither uses nor requires the Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive client software.

Do I need to store my local wallet file (.wlt) on Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive?

No, if you choose to use one of those cloud services, your cloud wallet file (.cwlt file extension) is stored on Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive and that file is then used as the master file to sync against the local wallet files (.wlt file extension) on your device(s) and/or computers.

Do I need a new Dropbox, Google, or Microsoft account just for eWallet?

You do not; you can use your existing Dropbox, Google, or Microsoft account for eWallet too.

Is my data still safe/secure when syncing to a cloud service?

In addition to eWallet’s file encryption, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and iCloud provide their own security for their services. Please note that using the cloud for sync or backup is optional though; you can still use the macOS or Windows versions of eWallet to sync with Android, iPhone and iPad devices directly. Please see this article for more information on using Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive to store cloud wallet (.cwlt) files.

Can I open my cloud wallet file (.cwlt) directly?

No, the cloud wallet file (.cwlt file extension) is considered the master file for syncing; to use it, you sync it from Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive to a local wallet (.wlt file extension) on your device or computer.

Can I sync with more than one Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive account?

Yes! Although you cannot sync the same wallet to more than one Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive account, you can sync different wallets to different accounts. One example of this might be that you sync your personal wallet to your own Dropbox account, and a separate shared wallet with a different Dropbox account.

Do I have to use Cloud Sync to synchronize?

No, Cloud Sync is an option within eWallet’s SyncPro synchronization engine. If you have the macOS or Windows version of eWallet, you can use that to sync with the iPhone & iPad or Android versions using a local Wi-Fi network; in that case there is no use of cloud services.

Must I use a cloud service (iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive) to sync data on my Android device, iPhone, or iPad?

No, by default a wallet is not configured to sync with any cloud service. On some platforms you may be prompted to select a particular cloud service (or no service at all). If you’ve previously configured a wallet to sync with the cloud, you can set the Cloud Storage Service within eWallet on your mobile device to None if you don’t want to use iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive for some reason. If you have the macOS or Windows version of eWallet, you can use that to sync with the mobile version using a local Wi-Fi network; in that case there is no use of cloud services.

Can I use Cloud Sync between PCs and between Macs and between iPhones/iPads and between Android devices?

Yes, you can. Think of your cloud wallet as the master wallet for syncing, and then each of your devices gets its own local version of that wallet for offline access to the information.

With the Registered Trial version of eWallet for macOS, can I use iCloud for syncing?

No, Apple restricts iCloud services to applications delivered through the Mac App Store. Note that the Trial version does include all the other sync methods including sync via Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, local Wi-Fi sync, and folder sync.

Do I have to have a constant Internet connection to use Cloud Sync?

Not at all. Internet access is required to sync your local wallet file with the master cloud version of the file, but you can still use the local version with no Internet connection at all. If you’re not connected when eWallet wants to sync, it’s no problem, the sync will just happen the next time you are connected.

Will you support additional cloud services in the future?

We will certainly consider adding alternative services to our current iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive support in the future. If you are interested in seeing another cloud service supported, please contact us.

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