FAQ: How to delete a card in eWallet

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The specific method for deleting a card in eWallet varies depending on the platform you are using.

To delete a card in the iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) version of eWallet:

  1. Open your wallet file.
  2. Navigate to the category that contains the card you’d like to delete.
  3. Swipe right-to-left over the card you would like to delete to reveal the “Delete” button.
  4. Tap “Delete” and then confirm that you would like to delete the card.

To delete a card in the Android / BlackBerry 10 version of eWallet:

  1. Open your wallet file.
  2. Navigate to the category that contains the card you’d like to delete.
  3. Tap and hold on the card you would like to delete to bring up additional menu options.
  4. Tap “Delete” and then confirm that you would like to delete the card.

To delete a card in the Windows PC  or Mac OS X versions of eWallet:

  1. Open  your wallet file.
  2. Right-click on the card that you’d like to delete.
  3. Choose “Delete” and confirm that you would like to delete the card.

You can also use these instructions for deleting an entire category in eWallet.  Caution:  Deleting a category also deletes all of the sub-categories and cards saved inside of it.

  • Android
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  • BlackBerry 10
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  • iPad
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  • iPhone
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  • macOS
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  • Windows