FAQ: How do I combine multiple wallets together?

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You can combine multiple wallets together using eWallet’s desktop SyncPro feature, available on both Windows and macOS.

First, set up your wallet names and temporary folders

  1. Move your first wallet file (.WLT) to the Documents folder
  2. Move the second wallet file to a different folder (third wallet to a third folder, etc.)
  3. Rename the wallets to exactly the same name
  4. Make sure the wallets have exactly the same password

Next, sync all of your wallets together:

  1. Double-click on the second wallet file in the folder you stored it in

  2. On the PC or Mac, choose Sync Manager → ADD → Other Sync → Folder

  3. In Location Name, give this sync a name (like “Merge”)

  4. In Location Path, ‘Browse’ to or ‘Choose’ the folder location of the first wallet (Documents folder)

  5. Click OK

  6. Open the next wallet (Double-click on the third wallet…)

  7. Choose Sync Manager, right-click the Sync Location (“Merge”), and choose Synchronize

  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 for the remaining wallets

  9. When the Synchronize Now? dialog pops up, choose “Yes”, ON THE LAST wallet you set up

  • macOS
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  • Windows