FAQ: How do I add my own icons and graphics?

[Archived] – Last Updated:

Complete information about how to create and add graphics and icons is in the Help File on your Windows PC copy of eWallet, or in the Start Menu group for eWallet.

To move icons to your Pocket PC from your desktop, use the Explore option in ActiveSync. Be sure to put them into the My Documents\eWallet\Graphics and Sounds folder on your Pocket PC.

eWallet 3.1 converted icons to files of type .bmi as part of moving them to the Pocket PC. Later versions support files of type .bmi and files of type .ico. If you want to replace your older .bmi files with .ico files of the same name, you can just copy the .ico files to your Pocket PC (to the My Documents\eWallet\Graphics and Sounds folder); you don’t need to change the custom icon references in your wallet file.

  • Windows Mobile