Setting up Cloud Sync on Android devices

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Using eWallet’s SyncPro® cloud sync is a great way to share your private data between supported devices. Just start with one of the two options below (you only need to do this setup once per device) and you’ll very quickly be automatically syncing your wallet information.

You’ll need eWallet for Android, version 8.6.2 or newer to use eWallet’s SyncPro® cloud sync with the latest version of Dropbox services. You’ll need version 8.10 or newer to use Google Drive services and version 8.11 or newer to use Microsoft OneDrive services.

Option 1 - I already have a wallet on my Android device

In this case you’ve got your wallet on your device already, but haven’t yet done a cloud sync to put the master version of the wallet in the cloud. 

  1. With your wallet open on your Android device, select the Cloud button (at the bottom of eWallet for phones, at the top for tablets)
  2. You’ll likely get the “No Linked Accounts” popup asking if you want to link Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive — say Yes
  3. Enter your Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive credentials into the login screen if necessary (you may get a second screen if you have two-factor authentication enabled) and select Allow for eWallet
  4. If you are back at the password prompt, then enter your wallet password, tap the Cloud button and then tap your wallet – make sure that your Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive account, configured earlier, is selected in the popup
  5. You can press the Back arrow now, and eWallet will automatically synchronize that wallet

You now have a master copy of your wallet on Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive for future synchronization with this device, and if you like, other supported devices.

Option 2 - My wallet is in the cloud but not yet on my Android device

In this scenario, the master version of the wallet you are interested in is already in the cloud, perhaps because you did a sync from another supported device. Now you want to get a local copy of that wallet on the device you are working with. 

  1. Start eWallet, and if you’re not already seeing your list of wallets, press the Back button on the password screen (in this scenario, you should not see your wallet listed here because it hasn’t yet been synced from the cloud)
  2. Select the Cloud button (at the bottom of eWallet for phones, at the top for tablets)
  3. If you get the “No Linked Accounts” popup asking if you want to link Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive — say Yes and enter your credentials
  4. At the Cloud sync panel, tap the Accounts tab — you’ll now see all your wallets in the cloud
  5. Click the cloud/download icon next to the wallet you want and enter the wallet’s password when prompted
  6. After the first sync is complete, you’ll see that sync is set to ON now next to your wallet name
  7. Press the Back button

You now have a local copy of your wallet your Android device.

With both options, once you have completed setting up your wallet for cloud sync for Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, future synchronization will be automatic.

  • Android