HOWTO: ListPro 5.1 can't find my linked files or images. How do I get links working?

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ListPro 5.1 features options for linking files to Linked columns, as well as adding links to Images in your item Notes.

By default, ListPro 5.10’s Linked column - and the browser for linking Images to your Notes - will look in a specific folder on your PC and Windows Mobile device.

  • On your PC, the folder is your My Documents folder.
  • On your Windows Mobile device, the folder is \\My Device\\My Documents\\

If a file is not in the appropriate folder, ListPro won’t ‘see’ it without additional configuration.

Moving the Linked Files location:

You can have ListPro look in any folder you want for linked files. To change the location on your desktop, go to Tools -> Link Options. On your Windows Mobile Device, go to Menu -> Tools -> Link Options or just Tools -> Link Options.

For example, you can have ListPro on your Windows Mobile device set to look in your \\My Device\\Storage Card\\ folder, in order to keep large files on your card and not on your device itself.

If you want to synchronize linked files, you can have the desktop version of ListPro look in \\My Documents\\<device name> My Documents (or \\Documents\\Documents on <device name> if you have Vista). That way, any files you add to that folder will also sync to your device.

Publishing files to your Windows Mobile device:

If you keep all your linked files in the Linked Files location, ListPro can Publish them to your Windows Mobile device. This lets you copy all the files to your device along with your ListPro data, even if you’ve set ListPro’s Linked Files location on the device to your storage card.

Just go to Tools -> Publish in the desktop version, with your device connected.

Browsing for files that aren’t in the Linked Files location:

ListPro can also link to any file on your computer or your Windows Mobile device. However, doing this will prevent links from synchronizing! Browsing to any file creates a link that points to the exact file; there is no way the link can be the same between your PC and your Windows Mobile device due to differences in the operating systems.

You can control whether ListPro looks in just the Linked Files location, or lets you browse anywhere, by going to Tools -> Link Options on your desktop and checking/unchecking the “Only Show Files in the Linked Files location” box. (On your device, go to Menu -> Tools -> Link Options, or just Tools -> Link Options.)

  • Windows