HOWTO: How do I change the type of a ListPro column?

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On Windows PC and Windows Mobile, ListPro lets you change two column types into two other types. You can:

  • Change a string column to a category column
  • Change a number column to a string

Tap+hold (on Windows Mobile) or use your right mouse button (on Windows PC) on the column heading of a string column or a number column and select Change Column Type from the pop up menu.

To change the type of other ListPro columns, you’ll need to export all your items to a file (or copy them to the clipboard), then re-create your list with the columns set up as you want, then import or paste the items. The easiest (and safest) way to create a similar list is to just copy the list, then edit the copy.

You can change the details of columns, such as the icon of a Yes/No or 3-state column, whether a date column also shows time, etc. using the Modify button on the Columns tab of List Properties, or by using Tap+Hold or right-click on a column header and choosing Column Properties from the drop down menu.

  • Windows