INFO: Getting Started with NewsBreak

[Archived] – Last Updated:

When you first run NewsBreak, it will step you through setting up channels. Since you’re just starting out, selecting channels from the supplied list is probably your best option. Remember that you can always return to the New Channel Wizard at any time to add more channels.

After you’ve picked the Channels you’re interested in, tap any of them to see current headlines, or tap the Refresh All button on NewsBreak’s tool bar to update headlines in all of your selected channels. Then just tap any channel name to see its headlines.

As you get more familiar with NewsBreak and its capabilities, you can add more channels, organize your channels into categories, and delete channels you’re not interested in. You can also take advantage of NewsBreak’s powerful keyword functionality, which lets you highlight news about topics you’re interested in, as well as other features described in NewsBreak’s Help. To see the help on a Pocket PC, choose Help from the Start Menu while NewsBreak is active.

Please note that NewsBreak works best when it is run from the main memory of your device. You can install it and run it from a storage card but for optimal performance we strongly recommend an installation to the main memory. If you are having problems and have installed to external memory, you may want to uninstall the software and then reinstall to main memory.